Altar servers


Get Involved

We are pleased you are interested in getting involved.  Thank you for your interest!  Volunteering builds community and lasting friendships!

We are currently looking for volunteers in the following areas as we hope to resume many of our wonderful ministries:

Lectors – reading at our weekday and weekend Masses

Communion Ministers – distributing Communion to those at our weekend Masses

Children’s Liturgy – delivering our simple, easy to deliver program to the little ones in the parish attending the 10am Sunday Mass

Funeral Lunch Committee – food preparation, set up and serving of  funeral lunches – a wonderful ministry to grieving families

Collection Counters – adults to help prepare the bank deposit – 2 teams alternate months

Altar Servers – boys and girls any age as long as they have already received First Communion to serve at our weekend Masses

Pastoral Care Ministry– adults to bring Communion to  nursing homes and those who cannot leave their homes

Hospitality/Coffee Ministry – individuals or families who will prepare and serve coffee after our weekend Masses

St James Food Bank – will help the coordinators with packing food hampers and distribution to our clients at the church

Arts & Environment – to help with flower arrangements and sanctuary decorating

Choir – singers and musicians – join one of our weekend Mass choirs under direction of our Music Director, Michael Scholfield

Please download and complete the following registration form.  This form can be dropped off at our office, or into our collection basket.  Once the forms are processed by our Volunteer Screening Coordinator, you will be contacted for further steps.  Police Information Checks are required for all coordinators and those in high risk ministries involving minors and the vulnerable.

a.        Volunteer Information Form  (Fillable PDF version)

b.       Agreement to Model Code of Conduct Form

c.       Reference Sheet for Medium to High Risk Ministries Form   (Fillable PDF version)

Volunteer Screening

Dear Volunteer,

All volunteers must complete the “Creating a Safe Environment” online modules.  

The Diocese of Calgary has a series of guidelines to ensure that the all the members of our
community can participate in parish-related activities in a safe and secure environment.

At St. James Catholic Church we are working to ensure that we continue to provide this environment
to all individuals, with a particular emphasis in ensuring those that are more vulnerable (all
children, and vulnerable adults).

To this end, we have been asked to formalize our screening procedures for all our volunteers.
Our Diocese revised on April 2023 The Volunteer Screening Process. Please see this link  for more information.

Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults is designed to assist us to make the Church truly safe for the vulnerable, to break down the mistrust and the anger that afflicts so many of our brothers and sisters. The Diocese of Calgary ensures the protection of minors and vulnerable adults by following the standards in Strengthening Our Parish Communities protocols, including screening, training for abuse prevention and reporting and collaboration with civil authorities. ​

To create an environment where abuse is unthinkable and everyone is part of a “culture of safety,” we need to educate everyone who has any kind of leadership or who holds a position of responsibility in the parish, including: all clergy, staff, Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council members, everyone who works with or around minors or vulnerable adults, coordinators of all ministries, even if their ministry does not involve minors, and all facility key holders.

For more information, please visit the Diocese of Calgary website.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and happy volunteering to you all!

Altar Server

Thank you for your interest in volunteering as an Altar Server!    Students must be in Grade 2 or higher and must have already received First Communion.  Parents, please contact the parish office to discuss next steps.