Mother Mary



If you are interested in having your child baptized, please contact the parish office at 403 243 2680 Ext 4.  A meeting with the pastor will be scheduled.  Attendance at a Baptism Preparation Class is also required prior.  Classes are held monthly.  Pre-registration is required.

Please complete the baptism request form and submit to the parish office along with a copy of your child’s birth certificate.  One or two godparents (one godmother and/or 1 godfather) are to be chosen by the parents, have the ability and intention to fulfill the role, be at least 16 years of age, and at least one of the godparents must be a Roman Catholic who has already received the Sacraments of  Eucharist and Confirmation, and is leading a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith (including marriage) and will be  a good role model for the one being baptized, and be neither the father or mother of the child.

Baptism Registration Form (non-fillable)

First Communion / First Reconciliation

Both sacraments are  celebrated during the same school year.  If you have questions, please contact the parish office.  Students must be baptized and be in grade 2 or higher.  If your child is not yet baptized, please call the parish office.

Registration for 2024/25 – Registration is now taking place through the parish office.  Registration forms are available through the parish office or printed from the link below.  Please return the completed form along with $50 for registration to the parish office ASAP.  First class is Thursday, October 17 from 6pm-7:15pm.    All classes will take place in the parish hall on Thursday evenings.  Class schedule is now set and can be requested from our Sacrament Coordinator, Lindsay Klein.

The Diocese of Calgary has introduced a new program this year for sacrament preparation. One parent must attend classes with their child and will be actively involved during the sessions. 

Registration Form


Regular Confession Schedule:    9:30am -10:00am Wednesday and Friday ; 4:00pm – 4:30pm on Saturdays.  There is no confession after Mass on Tuesdays or Thursdays.  Private appointments can also be scheduled through the parish office if you feel you may need more time.


Confirmation is the sacrament by which we receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives us a more deepened strength of the graces received at our Baptism.  The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated every 2 years at St. James.  Our next preparation will begin in ~November of 2025.  Watch for registration information in the fall of 2025.

Children in grade 6 and higher who have been baptized in the Catholic Church (or have made a Profession of Faith) and have celebrated First Reconciliation and First Communion may register for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Our program is a combined online and in-class program between the parish and the CHOSEN Confirmation preparation program.

A parent or guardian is required to attend the classes with their children.

Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care team visits and brings Communion to the housebound, and to residents of Carewest Garrison Green, Carewest Royal Park, and Staywell Manor.

Please contact the parish office to make arrangements.


To arrange a Funeral Mass or Prayer Vigil at St. James, please contact the Parish office at (403) 243-2680 to set up an appointment.  The immediate family is welcome to arrange the reading and intercessions for the Mass with the pastor or parish office. It is preferred that the music during the celebration is done by our Music Director and songs must be in accordance with Church norms. No secular or recorded music is allowed. To contact our Music Director, Michael Scholfield,  please go to our section “contact us“.

Please contact the parish office for more information regarding funeral lunches.

Information on Funeral & Cremation


RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, and it’s the Catholic Church’s way of initiating new members. RCIA is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings one to Jesus Christ. RCIA is an opportunity for:

  • Those who have not been baptized
  • Those who have been baptized but have little or no affiliation / formation about being Catholic.

Through weekly gatherings, those attending gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Catholic beliefs and practices.


Marriage is a beautiful and sacred vocation. It is a way of life in which two people commit themselves to each other for life.  In this vocation you are called to grow as Christian persons in your relationship with each other and the rest of society.

Your marriage has a social dimension because it involves not only two of you but also your faith community and the rest of society.  As Catholic people we are happy to celebrate your marriage with you. We want the celebration of your marriage to be dignified and worthy of the beauty of the vocation which you have chosen.  Hence, this information is meant as a general guide in your preparation.

Please  contact the pastor or the parish office at
403-243-2680 at least six months prior to the proposed date of the marriage to allow time for the paper work to be completed and for a marriage preparation course to be taken.

Information on Marriage Preparation Courses can be found through the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary or Catholic Engaged Encounter.

Anointing of the Sick

There is a Catholic chaplain available 24 hours a day in most hospitals and care facilities.  Please call 403 231 9505 to arrange the Sacrament of the Sick for the seriously ill or dying.

Prayer for Healing

Heavenly Father, look upon me with your eyes of mercy, may your healing hand rest upon me, may your life giving powers flow into every cell of my body and into the depths of my soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring me to wholeness and strength for service in your Kingdom. I pray this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

Healing Prayer at Bedtime

Lord Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, go back into my memory as I sleep. Every hurt that has ever been done to me, heal that hurt. Every hurt that I have ever caused another person, heal that hurt. All the relationships that have been damaged in my whole life that I am not aware of, heal those relationships. But, Lord, if there is anything that I need to do; if I need to go to a person because he or she is still suffering from my hand, bring to my awareness that person, I choose to forgive and I ask to be forgiven. Remove whatever bitterness may be in my heart, Lord, and fill the empty spaces with your love. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Author unknown

Holy Orders

Are you interested to find more information about vocation to the priesthood?  Please visit the Calgary Diocesan Office of Vocation, at

Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood

Lord Jesus Christ, Shepherd of souls,
who called the apostles to be fishers of men,
raise up new apostles in your holy Church.

Teach them that to serve you is to reign: to possess you is to possess all things. Kindle in the hearts of our people the fire of zeal for souls.
Make them eager to spread your Kingdom upon earth.
Grant them courage to follow you, who are the Way, the Truth and the Life;
who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
