
baptismIf you are interested in having your child baptized, please contact the parish office at 403 243 2680 Ext 4.  A meeting with the pastor will be scheduled.  Attendance at a Baptism Preparation Class is also required prior.  Classes are held monthly.  Pre-registration is required.

Please complete the baptism request form and submit to the parish office along with a copy of your child’s birth certificate.  One or two godparents (one godmother and/or 1 godfather) are to be chosen by the parents, have the ability and intention to fulfill the role, be at least 16 years of age, and at least one of the godparents must be a Roman Catholic who has already received the Sacraments of  Eucharist and Confirmation, and is leading a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith (including marriage) and will be  a good role model for the one being baptized, and be neither the father or mother of the child.

Baptism Registration Form (non-fillable)

baptism baptism